1. Organization Information

2. Please select 501c3 filing type:

501c3 EZ Filing

Form 1023-EZ is the streamlined version of Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Any organization may file Form 1023 to apply for recognition of exemption from federal income tax under section 501(c)3. Only certain organizations are eligible to file Form 1023-EZ

  • Annual gross receipts under $50,000 in any of the next 3 years or past 3 years.
  • Total assets under $250,000.
  • Churches, schools, or hospitals require standard form 1023.

$350 + IRS Fee

Standard Form 1023

Organizations required to file the standard Form 1023 include:

  • Annual gross receipts over $50,000 in any of the next 3 years or past 3 years.
  • Total assets over $250,000.
  • Churches, schools, or hospitals.

$599 + IRS Fee

3. Select turnaround time:

Regular Service
  • 501c3 EZ (5 to 10 business days)
  • 501c3 Standard (10 to 20 business days)


Expedited Service
  • 501c3 EZ (2 to 5 business days)
  • 501c3 Standard (5 to 10 business days)


4. Your Information:

5. Payment Information:

5. Billing Address:

6. Special Instructions: